Ordering Goodie Bags from SnackMagic is a breeze! Whether you're organizing an event, gifting a group, or just treating someone special, our platform makes the process simple and enjoyable.
Here's a Step-By-Step Guide on How to Order Goodie Bags:
Visit SnackMagic
- Visit our website, https://www.snackmagic.com/
- Once you're on our website, hover your mouse over the "In-Person Groups" option in the main menu. This will open up a drop-down menu with various choices.
- Click on "Goodie Bags."
- A child window will appear, click on JUST TAKE ME TO MENU -I'LL ORDER FOR MYSELF
- From the menu page, click on Goodie Bags.
Choose a Theme
- Scroll down and click a Theme for the Goodie bags that your recipients will receive.
Set Budget & Select Bag Type
- Select your desired Budget for each Goodie Bag and what Type of items you want inside the bag. Then click ADD TO BAG once done.
To elevate your bag and make it more special, simply customize your bag and choose your add-ons.
Adding Dietary Restrictions:
- Tell us how many bags you want, and what dietary restrictions you need for each bag.
- Click Add More Bags if you want to add another dietary restriction for a certain number of bags. (Click "X" if you want this removed)
Select a Bag Type
- Choose your desired type of bag.
You can go for a premium bag for an additional $2
Add a Branded Post Card
- To make your bag more special, you can add a branded postcard inside the bag.
Add a Customized Note
- You can also add a personalized note inside the bag.
Finalize Customization
- Click SAVE & CONTINUE if you are satisfied with the customization. If you missed anything or need to make some changes, click BACK.
Review & Checkout
- Click on the bag icon to review your order details.
- Click Checkout If you are satisfied with your order details.
Shipping Details Setup
- Enter your shipping address and click NEXT.
- Choose your desired shipping method then click NEXT.
Select a Payment Method
- Provide your Mode of Payment.
Review and Finalize Payment
Thoroughly check all the details before clicking PLACE ORDER
Once the order has been placed, you will receive a confirmation email.
You just successfully placed your Goodie bag order.
We're sure your recipients will love it!
Any question(s)? We're here to help!
Ask us anything via CHAT / FILL OUT OUR CONTACT US FORM:
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